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Where is the Correct Place to Insert a JavaScript Tag?

JavaScript is the seasoning to a dish in that it takes the initial content and makes it dynamic and more flavorful; but to be effective, you have to place JavaScript in the right location. As with any programming language, the question of where code should be place is crucial to achieving the desired ends. This article delves into the specificity of ensuring your JavaScript finds its home.

Before the Closing Body Tag

One of the most common places to simply drop JavaScript in a webpage is just before the closing body tag (). The reasoning is simple: HTML content will load first, giving the impression that your page is loading faster; it also means that the DOM (Document Object Model) has been fully parsed so that JavaScript execution isn’t affected by other scripts load on the page.


  • Faster perceived page load: If you insert JavaScript in HTML just before the </body> closing tag will make the HTML content to load first and than the rendering of JS would take place
  • Reduced conflicts: The DOM (Document Object Model) is fully parsed before JavaScript execution, minimizing potential conflicts or delays.
  • Improved user experience: As the HTML will render before the JS files, user will have an area to start intracting making it more convinient for user experience.


  • Limited access to elements: Scripts placed here might not have immediate access to elements in the HTML structure which may lead to diturb functionallities.

In the Head Section

Traditionally, you would place your JavaScript in the head section () of your HTML documents. So why is placing JavaScript in the head section less optimal then placing it just before the tag? When a browser reads a web page, when it comes across a script reference, it must halt HTML parsing and retrieve the file. This causes content below the script reference to not render for a short period of time, depending on the size of the file being retrieved and the speed of the connection to it. If the file is large enough, the user will see the ever-joyous white screen of nothingness. For critical scripts, as far as tracking analytics data or certain CSS manipulations go, this is definitely the preferred location, but for most scripts there are better options.


  • Early script loading: Placing JavaScript in the head section () ensures scripts are loaded early in the page rendering process.
  • Immediate execution: Scripts in the head section execute as soon as they’re encountered, which can be advantageous for critical scripts like analytics.


  • Delayed content rendering: Since JavaScript execution halts HTML parsing, placing scripts in the head section can delay the rendering of visible content, leading to slower perceived page load times.
  • Potential performance issues: Heavy scripts in the head section can degrade page performance, especially on slower connections or devices.

Async or Defer Attributes

You should have already been experiencing the life-saving contribution of the async and defer attributes. The async attribute allows a script to be downloaded asynchronously, meaning it will not block HTML parsing and it will execute as soon as it is ready. The defer attribute allows a script to be executed once HTML parsing is complete. Both attributes are equally vital in ensuring scripts are executing as soon as they are able, and are both incredibly valuable in optimizing page performance.


  • Improved performance: Scripts can be loaded asynchronously using the async and defer attributes, which means they do not block HTML parsing and allow the page to load faster.
  • Enhanced control: Developers have more control over when a script loads and begins executing, so they can guarantee that critical scripts are handled as efficiently as possible.


  • Potential order dependencies: Scripts that are specific to a portion of the DOM, or that are dependent on other scripts, may not be appropriate candidates for async and defer.
  • Complex debugging: Using async significantly increases the complexity of debugging an implementation, especially with race conditions or timing issues.

Inline Scripting

Inline scripting is a practice in which JavaScript is placed directly within HTML elements; an age-old practice that, admittedly, still has its uses. A policy of sparse usage should be taken when it comes to inline scripting, however, simply because it clutters HTML markup, making it more difficult to maintain and debug. Inline scripting should be saved for tiny, one-off style actions where an external script would be simply overkill.


  • Simplified implementation – Inline scripting is very easy to implement. It does not require any additional file references. Nor does it have to rely on other functions or code. It’s as straightforward as it gets for executing code.
  • Immediate action – Since inline scripts execute immediately, they’re perfect for executing small one-off actions.


  • Code clutter – There is, however, a big downside to inline scripting. Handling all your actions are great when your projects are small. As they grow, you’ll find that the entire code base becomes a lot harder to understand. Not only will it make harder to maintain and debug, but the code will also become harder to refactor.
  • Limited reusability – The nature of an inline script means that it is pretty much tied to a specific HTML element. This lack of generalization means the script will not be easy for you to recycle on other similar elements throughout your website. It also doesn’t scale well when you’re trying to make any changes in larger projects.


Unlike the rest of web development, where you place your JavaScript is incredibly meaningful. It is vital that you place non-critical scripts before the closing body tag, that you lean upon the async or defer attributes wherever possible, and that you invoke inline scripting only for the smallest of tasks. Simply put, to ensure your JavaScript finds a home in your codebase, considerate application of these guidelines will maintain the actions and experience of your users, while keeping it from killing the performance of your web page. Just like a room with a perfect spot for a preferred chair, a perfect spot for your JavaScript will bring about beauty and harmony to your work.

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